Gamble Zero Program

The GambleZero Program offers free counseling for Problem Gamblers their affected family members and friends.
Washington State Casinos are required by law to contribute .0013 cents to every dollar they make to a Washington State fund regulated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR). DBHR licenses Problem Gambling Agencies to serve Problem Gamblers who have laid bets in the State of Washington and their adversely affected freinds and family members.So if you are a Problem Gambler or the friend or a family member of a problem gambler, you are eligible for free counseling. This may take the form of individual counseiling, relationship or family counseling, couples counseling or participation in group counseling.

If you can afford the counseling or if your insurance will pay for the counseling you may have to use those resources first before you draw from the State Problem Gambling Fund. That will be discussed and explored on the phone when you first call or during your first meeting with one of our State Licensed Problem Gambling Counselors. But if you or your loved one cannot afford the services, they will be offered to you at no out of pocket cost.

Some local Casinos have generously donated additional funds to a private non-profit organization which provides additional resources for these services.

The GambleZero Program offers services at two locations currently:

A Healthy Risk
in Montesano WA

Balanced Perspectives Counseling
in Tumwater WA

Call the one that is the most convenient location for you or your loved one to receive services.

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Links & Resources
View recommended websites and other valuable resources.

Helpful Forms
Click here to view and print forms for your appointment.